The hours module revolves around users as they are the ones that needs to have them registered in Microbizz.
Each day, a daily worksheet needs to be created, before a user can register their hours on tasks.
My hours
Users are the ones using Microbizz. Each user has its own worksheet that will allow them to register their respective hours either through the (WEB) or the (App)
The essentials
Before you can start using the module, there is some configuration that needs to be in place. Permissions are also a key part of using teams.
The essential functions are:
- Others hours
- Internal posts
Others hours
Others hours are used to assign and reset the hours for other users than yourself.
Learn how to set up and use others hours.
Internal posts
These are used to allow the users to register time regarding posts that is for internal use, such as lunch breaks.
Internal posts is a setting that can be created and amended for the users in Microbizz, and to read more about Internal posts please see the following section: Internal posts
Next steps
Now that you have learned about the basics of the hours module, and are familiar with configuring the basics, you are ready to create and manage the hours of the users.