Type | Explanation | Examples |
string | Text is always in UTF-8, use double quotes " " | headline = "Microbizz script" |
number | The decimal point is . (full stop) | price = 12.34 |
array | This is a comma seperated list of values, types may be mixed. Access a non-existing key will return an error; use array.append(value) to add elements to the array. | myarray = [1, 2, 3,"Some text", [4, 5, 6]] sometext = myarray[4] |
dict | A list of key:value pairs, the syntax is much like the Javascript object syntax, or JSON. Use double quotes " for key names and textual values. Keys are always strings; if you use a number as key it will be converted to a string. Accessing a non-existing key will return an empty string. | peter = {name: "Peter", "age": 15, height: 160} age = peter.age age = peter["age"] |
object | title = this.title today = Date.date() | |
data |