Versions Compared


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idnumberCustomer ID in Microbizz
customernumberstringCustomer number
creditornumberstringCreditor number
descriptionlstringAn optional string describing the customer
secondary_textstringA secondary text describing this item; this is used as the search text
iconscollection[number]A list of icon IDs to show on this customer
ourreferencenumberOur reference; must be a valid User ID
ourreferencetextstringTextual representation of our reference (readonly)

Their reference; must be a valid Person ID 

theirreferencetextstringTextual representation of their reference (readonly)
vatstringVAT number (danish CVR)
vatpercentagenumberThe VAT amount in %
publicidstringPublic identification number (danish EAN)
address2stringSecond address line
invoiceaddress2stringSecond address line
phonestringPhone no
faxstringFax no
wwwstringWeb address, not URL
emailstringEmail adresse
tradestringCompany trade
teamnumberTeam ID
typeidnumberThe customer type ID
typetextstringTextual representation of the customer type (readonly)
alertradiusnumberGeofence radius (in meters) around this customer
isprospectbooleanIs company a prospect?
issubcontractorbooleanIs company a subcontractor?
isblockedbooleanIs company blocked?
isdeletedbooleanIs company deleted?
invoiceupboolean1 if the parent company is invoiced, 0 if not
longitudefloatGeographical longitude
latitudefloatGeographical latitude
createdatedateDate created
createtimetimeTime created
changedatedateDate of last change
changetimetimeTime of last change
parentcustnumberThe ID of the parent customer
selleridnumberThe ID of the sales person
maingroupidnumberThe ID of the maingroup, see the API call GetMaingroups
startdatedateThe start date of a Customer
requestconsentboolIf the customer should be asked to consent to GDPR whenever the GDPR setup changes
mailimportboolIf 1 then mail for this customer will be imported by Microbizz


idnumberEvent ID in Microbizz, or 0 when creating a new event
useridnumberThe ID of a user; must be 0 when creating a new event
customeridnumberID of the customer this event concerns
datedateEvent date
timetimeEvent time
minutesnumberEvent duration in minutes
typenumberThe event type, see GetEventTypes
titlestringTitle of the event
customertextstringTitle of the customer
secondary_textstringText to display in the UI; this is also used as the search text
personidnumberThe ID of a person, this may be 0 even if persontext is set
persontextstringName of a person
placestringTextual description of the location
notelstringA note for the event
useridscollection[number]List of IDs of all the users who participate
instanceidstringThe Microbizz ID of the instance, this is read-only
followupboolean1 if the event has followup
followupafternumberNumber of days before followup
followupstatusnumberOne of 0:Pending, 1:Cancelled, 2:OK
followupby_useridnumberThe Microbizz ID of the user who should followup
followupby_usertextstringThe name of the user who should followup
changedatedateThe date of last change
changetimetimeThe time of last change


idnumberPerson ID in Microbizz
firstnamestringPerson first name
lastnamestringPerson last name
addressstringPerson address
address2stringPerson address2
phonestringPhone no.
faxstringFax no.
wwwstringWeb address
secondary_textstringA secondary text describing this item.; this is used as the search text
createdatedateDate created
createtimetimeTime created
changedatedateLast change date
changetimetimeLast change time
typeidnumberThe ID of the person type in Microbizz, see GetPersonTypes
typetextstringTextual representation of the person type
isdeletedboolIf the person is deleted/deactivated
requestconsentboolIf the person should be asked to consent to GDPR whenever the GDPR setup changes
teamnumberreference to the team the person is a part of.


idnumberId of this production entry in Microbizz
useridnumberWho is going to work on the todo? User ID
todoidnumberWhich todo? Todo ID
todotextstringA textual representation of the todo. (readonly)
secondary_textstringA secondary text describing this item.; this is used as the search text
datedateDate of work.
timetimeTime of work.
placestringPlace of work. DEPRECATED.
durationinminutesnumberDuration of work in minutes.
lockedboolIf the production is locked
visitedboolIf the production has been visited by the user (readonly)
activitycolorstringThe colour to use when displaying this entry
createdatedateThe date when this was created
createtimetimeThe time when this was created
displaytimestringFor normal planning this holds starttime and endtime (eg. “09:00 - 12:00”); for full day planning it holds the string “Full day” or similar
typeboolean1 if this is a full day planning, 0 if it is a normal planning


idnumberInternal Microbizz product ID
productnumberstringThe product number
barcodestringBarcode number
groupstringName of product group. Microbizz automatical creates and deletes these groups on demand.
subgroupstringName of product subgroup. Microbizz automatical creates and deletes these subgroups on demand.
titlestringProduct title
pricenumberProduct base price in lowest local currency. (Typical danish ører)
costpricenumberProduct cost price in lowest local currency. (Typical danish ører)
isdeletedbooleanIndicates if this product is deleted
sparepartboolean1 if this is a sparepart
favoriteboolean1 if this is one of the user's favourite products; use AddFavoriteProduct to update this
secondary_textstringThis is used as the search text
unitsstringThe abbr. of the product unit (readonly)
unitidnumberThe ID of the product unit
productgroupidnumberThe ID of the product group, see GetProductGroups


idnumberTodo ID in Microbizz
numberstringTodo number in Microbizz
workareaidnumberWorkarea ID. if set to an invalid workarea id. the id will be set to a random workarea to avoid todo failure.
workareatextstringA textual representation of the workarea (readonly)
customeridnumberCustomer ID.
customertextstringA textual representation of the customer name. (readonly)
iconscollection[number]A list of icon IDs to show on this todo.
iconlinkscollectionA list of links for the icons
checkpointscollection[number]A list of checkpoints to complete when checked in on this todo
secondary_textstringA secondary text describing this item.; this is used as the search text
address2stringSecond address-line
descriptionlstringLonger description
htmldescriptionlstringLonger description, HTML formatted (from 2020 Q3); text specified in description will be converted to HTML
stateidnumberState of todo ID.
statetextstringA textual representation of the todo state. (readonly)
isclosedbooleanIndicates if todo is closed.
canclosebooleanIndicates if the todo can be closed from an external system, such as an mobile phone
isacceptedbooleanIndicates if todo is accepted as closed.
estimatenumberEstimate in minutes.
timeusagenumberTime used in minutes.
useridnumberResponsible for todo. User ID.
closedby_useridnumberUser ID of user who closed this task.
usertextstringResponsible for todo in text. (readonly)
teamnumberTeam ID reference
subtodoscollection [number]ID of all subtodos to this todo (readonly)
parenttodonumberID of a parent todo to this todo, if non-0 then this is a subtask to another task
ispersonalbooleanIndicates that this todo belongs to the current user. (readonly)
isdeletedbooleanIndicates if the todo should be shown or not. If this is true, then the todo should be considered as deleted. (readonly)
isprivatebooleanTodo is private?
ispublicbooleanTodo is public?
requisitionstringRequisition number
startdatedateStart date.
closedatedateClosed date
personidnumberThe Microbizz ID of the person who is the contact person
persontextstringThe name of the person who is the contact person. This field is read-only.
temperaturenumberTodo temperature. (readonly)
alertradiusnumberGeofence radius (in meters) around this todo
longitudefloatGPS longitude
latitudefloatGPS latitude
invoicepolicystringSee the table below for the possible values
next_invoicedatedateDate for next invoice (if task is repeating)
tasktypenumber1=AdHoc; 2=Repeat, exact; 3=Repeat, loose; 5=Project
createdbynumberid of user which created the task.
createdatedateDate created
createtimetimeTime created
changedatedateLast change date
changetimetimeLast change time
qfonclosenumberFor app: Question form ID of question form to present on close of this todo.
qfoncheckoutnumberFor app: Question form ID of question form to present on checkout from this todo
qfoncheckout_requiredboolIf the question form in qfoncheckout is required or not
internalsubscriberscollection[number]List of user IDs of the subscribers
externalsubscriberscollection[number]List of person IDs of the subscribers
addressescollection[ address ]List of other addresses that are relevant
competencessetList of competences and the minimum required level for each competence
seperate_invoicebooleanSet to 1 if the task should be on a sep. inv. instead of on an inv. with other tasks for the same company
placenamestringThe name of the delivery place
additionaluseridscollection[number]List of IDs of additional users
contactnamestringName of contact person, if Microbizz is setup to not use the personid field
contactphonestringPhone of the contact person, if Microbizz is setup to not use the personid field
nextactiondatedateDate of next planning, readonly
nextactiontimetimeTime of next planning, readonly
lastactiondateDate of last planning, readonly
projectidnumberID of a project (only if the Project module is enabled; this is not the parenttodo)
projectgroupidnumberID of a projectactivity of type group
projecttextstringThe name of the project, see projectid
projectgrouptextstringThe name of the projectactivity, see projectgroupid
plannedtocollection[number]List of users for whom this task is planned
parenttodo_ns_numberstringThe task # of the parent task, if any
accord_isaccordboolIf this task uses accord, readonly
accord_minutesnumberAccord minutes, readonly
accord_totalvaluenumberTotal value of accord, readonly
accord_payednumberTotal value payed, readonly
accord_ratenumberAccord rate, readonly
accord_settledatedateDate of accord payment, readonly
invoice_customeridnumberThe Microbizz ID of the "payment company"


idnumberTool ID in Microbizz
namestringTool name
secondary_textstringA secondary text describing this item.; this is used as the search text
useridnumberUser ID of responsible user. Please note that the responsible user, is not always the same as the person carrying the tool.
usertextstringA textual representation of the responsible user. (readonly)
carrier_useridnumberUser ID of user carrying the tool. If this is 0 or not present, the tool is currently not carried. (readonly)
carrier_usertextstringA textual representation of the user carrying the tool. (readonly)
is_carrierbooleanTrue of the current user is the carrier. (readonly)
containedinnumberTool ID of the tool in which this tool is contained.(readonly)
containedintextstringA textual representation of the tool in which this is contained. (readonly)
is_installedbooleanIndicates if this tool is installed somewhere. (readonly)
installed_placetextstringA textual representation of where this tool is installed. (readonly)
numberstringTool number
codestringTool code
classstringTool class (readonly)
groupidnumberID of tool group
groupstringTool group (readonly)
makestringTool make
modelstringTool model
serialnumberstringTool serial number
nextservicedateDate of next service
lastservicedateDate of last service
isdeletedbooleanIndicate if the tool is deleted
longitudefloatGPS longitude of the last known position of this tool.
latitudefloatGPS latitude of the last known position of this tool.
createdatedateDate created
createtimetimeTime created
changedatedateLast change date
changetimetimeLast change time
qfonsetdownnumberFor app: Question form ID on question form to present on set down of this tool.
attachedcustomeridnumberCustomer ID
customeridnumberThe Microbizz ID of the “place of home”
todoidnumberTodo ID, if multiple then see todoids
todoidsarrayA collection of Todo IDs, the tasks that are currently associated with the equipment
barcodestringTool barcode
personidnumberID of a Person
persontextstringThe name of the contact person
iconscollection[number]The IDs of the custom fields of types "icon" or "icon url" that are set
iconlinkssetThe URLs for custom fields of type "icon url" that are set
partslistcollection[ 20250915 ]List of parts in the parts list for the equipment type
serviceprotocolscollection[number]The IDs of the service protocols that are available
stateidnumberThe ID of the current state
statetextstringThe name of the current state
servicestatusnumber1=serviced, 2=not serviced, 3=service soon, 4=past service
picturestringImage of tool as base64 encoded image data. Please note that only some commands return this field.
activebooleanIf the tool is active or not.
