id | number | Customer ID in Microbizz |
customernumber | string | Customer number |
creditornumber | string | Creditor number |
name | string | Name |
description | lstring | An optional string describing the customer |
secondary_text | string | A secondary text describing this item; this is used as the search text |
icons | collection[number] | A list of icon IDs to show on this customer |
ourreference | number | Our reference; must be a valid User ID |
ourreferencetext | string | Textual representation of our reference (readonly) |
theirreference | number | Their reference; must be a valid Person ID |
theirreferencetext | string | Textual representation of their reference (readonly) |
vat | string | VAT number (danish CVR) |
vatpercentage | number | The VAT amount in % |
publicid | string | Public identification number (danish EAN) |
address | string | Address |
address2 | string | Second address line |
zip | string | Zip |
city | string | City |
country | string | Country |
invoiceaddress | string | Address |
invoiceaddress2 | string | Second address line |
invoicezip | string | Zip |
invoicecity | string | City |
invoicecountry | string | Country |
phone | string | Phone no |
fax | string | Fax no |
www | string | Web address, not URL |
string | Email adresse | |
trade | string | Company trade |
team | number | Team ID |
typeid | number | The customer type ID |
typetext | string | Textual representation of the customer type (readonly) |
alertradius | number | Geofence radius (in meters) around this customer |
isprospect | boolean | Is company a prospect? |
issubcontractor | boolean | Is company a subcontractor? |
isblocked | boolean | Is company blocked? |
isdeleted | boolean | Is company deleted? |
invoiceup | boolean | 1 if the parent company is invoiced, 0 if not |
longitude | float | Geographical longitude |
latitude | float | Geographical latitude |
createdate | date | Date created |
createtime | time | Time created |
changedate | date | Date of last change |
changetime | time | Time of last change |
parentcust | number | The ID of the parent customer |
sellerid | number | The ID of the sales person |
maingroupid | number | The ID of the maingroup, see the API call GetMaingroups |
startdate | date | The start date of a Customer |
requestconsent | bool | If the customer should be asked to consent to GDPR whenever the GDPR setup changes |
mailimport | bool | If 1 then mail for this customer will be imported by Microbizz |
id | number | Event ID in Microbizz, or 0 when creating a new event |
userid | number | The ID of a user; must be 0 when creating a new event |
customerid | number | ID of the customer this event concerns |
date | date | Event date |
time | time | Event time |
minutes | number | Event duration in minutes |
type | number | The event type, see GetEventTypes |
title | string | Title of the event |
customertext | string | Title of the customer |
secondary_text | string | Text to display in the UI; this is also used as the search text |
personid | number | The ID of a person, this may be 0 even if persontext is set |
persontext | string | Name of a person |
place | string | Textual description of the location |
note | lstring | A note for the event |
userids | collection[number] | List of IDs of all the users who participate |
instanceid | string | The Microbizz ID of the instance, this is read-only |
followup | boolean | 1 if the event has followup |
followupafter | number | Number of days before followup |
followupstatus | number | One of 0:Pending, 1:Cancelled, 2:OK |
followupby_userid | number | The Microbizz ID of the user who should followup |
followupby_usertext | string | The name of the user who should followup |
changedate | date | The date of last change |
changetime | time | The time of last change |
id | number | Person ID in Microbizz |
firstname | string | Person first name |
lastname | string | Person last name |
address | string | Person address |
address2 | string | Person address2 |
zip | string | Zip |
city | string | City |
country | string | Country |
phone | string | Phone no. |
mobile | string | Mobile. |
fax | string | Fax no. |
www | string | Web address |
Email. | ||
secondary_text | string | A secondary text describing this item.; this is used as the search text |
createdate | date | Date created |
createtime | time | Time created |
changedate | date | Last change date |
changetime | time | Last change time |
typeid | number | The ID of the person type in Microbizz, see GetPersonTypes |
typetext | string | Textual representation of the person type |
isdeleted | bool | If the person is deleted/deactivated |
requestconsent | bool | If the person should be asked to consent to GDPR whenever the GDPR setup changes |
team | number | reference to the team the person is a part of. |
id | number | Id of this production entry in Microbizz |
userid | number | Who is going to work on the todo? User ID |
todoid | number | Which todo? Todo ID |
todotext | string | A textual representation of the todo. (readonly) |
secondary_text | string | A secondary text describing this item.; this is used as the search text |
date | date | Date of work. |
time | time | Time of work. |
place | string | Place of work. DEPRECATED. |
durationinminutes | number | Duration of work in minutes. |
locked | bool | If the production is locked |
visited | bool | If the production has been visited by the user (readonly) |
activitycolor | string | The colour to use when displaying this entry |
createdate | date | The date when this was created |
createtime | time | The time when this was created |
displaytime | string | For normal planning this holds starttime and endtime (eg. “09:00 - 12:00”); for full day planning it holds the string “Full day” or similar |
type | boolean | 1 if this is a full day planning, 0 if it is a normal planning |
id | number | Internal Microbizz product ID |
productnumber | string | The product number |
barcode | string | Barcode number |
group | string | Name of product group. Microbizz automatical creates and deletes these groups on demand. |
subgroup | string | Name of product subgroup. Microbizz automatical creates and deletes these subgroups on demand. |
title | string | Product title |
price | number | Product base price in lowest local currency. (Typical danish ører) |
costprice | number | Product cost price in lowest local currency. (Typical danish ører) |
isdeleted | boolean | Indicates if this product is deleted |
sparepart | boolean | 1 if this is a sparepart |
supplierid | number | |
favorite | boolean | 1 if this is one of the user's favourite products; use AddFavoriteProduct to update this |
secondary_text | string | This is used as the search text |
units | string | The abbr. of the product unit (readonly) |
unitid | number | The ID of the product unit |
productgroupid | number | The ID of the product group, see GetProductGroups |
id | number | Todo ID in Microbizz |
number | string | Todo number in Microbizz |
workareaid | number | Workarea ID. if set to an invalid workarea id. the id will be set to a random workarea to avoid todo failure. |
workareatext | string | A textual representation of the workarea (readonly) |
customerid | number | Customer ID. |
customertext | string | A textual representation of the customer name. (readonly) |
icons | collection[number] | A list of icon IDs to show on this todo. |
iconlinks | collection | A list of links for the icons |
checkpoints | collection[number] | A list of checkpoints to complete when checked in on this todo |
title | string | Title |
secondary_text | string | A secondary text describing this item.; this is used as the search text |
address | string | Address |
address2 | string | Second address-line |
zip | string | Zip |
city | string | City |
country | string | Country |
description | lstring | Longer description |
htmldescription | lstring | Longer description, HTML formatted (from 2020 Q3); text specified in description will be converted to HTML |
stateid | number | State of todo ID. |
statetext | string | A textual representation of the todo state. (readonly) |
isclosed | boolean | Indicates if todo is closed. |
canclose | boolean | Indicates if the todo can be closed from an external system, such as an mobile phone |
isaccepted | boolean | Indicates if todo is accepted as closed. |
priority | number | Priority. |
estimate | number | Estimate in minutes. |
timeusage | number | Time used in minutes. |
userid | number | Responsible for todo. User ID. |
closedby_userid | number | User ID of user who closed this task. |
usertext | string | Responsible for todo in text. (readonly) |
team | number | Team ID reference |
subtodos | collection [number] | ID of all subtodos to this todo (readonly) |
parenttodo | number | ID of a parent todo to this todo, if non-0 then this is a subtask to another task |
ispersonal | boolean | Indicates that this todo belongs to the current user. (readonly) |
isdeleted | boolean | Indicates if the todo should be shown or not. If this is true, then the todo should be considered as deleted. (readonly) |
isprivate | boolean | Todo is private? |
ispublic | boolean | Todo is public? |
requisition | string | Requisition number |
startdate | date | Start date. |
deadline | date | Deadline. |
closedate | date | Closed date |
personid | number | The Microbizz ID of the person who is the contact person |
persontext | string | The name of the person who is the contact person. This field is read-only. |
temperature | number | Todo temperature. (readonly) |
alertradius | number | Geofence radius (in meters) around this todo |
longitude | float | GPS longitude |
latitude | float | GPS latitude |
invoicepolicy | string | See the table below for the possible values |
price | number | |
next_invoicedate | date | Date for next invoice (if task is repeating) |
tasktype | number | 1=AdHoc; 2=Repeat, exact; 3=Repeat, loose; 5=Project |
createdby | number | id of user which created the task. |
createdate | date | Date created |
createtime | time | Time created |
changedate | date | Last change date |
changetime | time | Last change time |
qfonclose | number | For app: Question form ID of question form to present on close of this todo. |
qfoncheckout | number | For app: Question form ID of question form to present on checkout from this todo |
qfoncheckout_required | bool | If the question form in qfoncheckout is required or not |
internalsubscribers | collection[number] | List of user IDs of the subscribers |
externalsubscribers | collection[number] | List of person IDs of the subscribers |
addresses | collection[ address ] | List of other addresses that are relevant |
competences | set | List of competences and the minimum required level for each competence |
seperate_invoice | boolean | Set to 1 if the task should be on a sep. inv. instead of on an inv. with other tasks for the same company |
placename | string | The name of the delivery place |
additionaluserids | collection[number] | List of IDs of additional users |
contactname | string | Name of contact person, if Microbizz is setup to not use the personid field |
contactphone | string | Phone of the contact person, if Microbizz is setup to not use the personid field |
nextactiondate | date | Date of next planning, readonly |
nextactiontime | time | Time of next planning, readonly |
lastaction | date | Date of last planning, readonly |
projectid | number | ID of a project (only if the Project module is enabled; this is not the parenttodo) |
projectgroupid | number | ID of a projectactivity of type group |
projecttext | string | The name of the project, see projectid |
projectgrouptext | string | The name of the projectactivity, see projectgroupid |
plannedto | collection[number] | List of users for whom this task is planned |
parenttodo_ns_number | string | The task # of the parent task, if any |
accord_isaccord | bool | If this task uses accord, readonly |
accord_minutes | number | Accord minutes, readonly |
accord_totalvalue | number | Total value of accord, readonly |
accord_payed | number | Total value payed, readonly |
accord_rate | number | Accord rate, readonly |
accord_settledate | date | Date of accord payment, readonly |
invoice_customerid | number | The Microbizz ID of the "payment company" |
id | number | Tool ID in Microbizz |
name | string | Tool name |
secondary_text | string | A secondary text describing this item.; this is used as the search text |
userid | number | User ID of responsible user. Please note that the responsible user, is not always the same as the person carrying the tool. |
usertext | string | A textual representation of the responsible user. (readonly) |
carrier_userid | number | User ID of user carrying the tool. If this is 0 or not present, the tool is currently not carried. (readonly) |
carrier_usertext | string | A textual representation of the user carrying the tool. (readonly) |
is_carrier | boolean | True of the current user is the carrier. (readonly) |
containedin | number | Tool ID of the tool in which this tool is contained.(readonly) |
containedintext | string | A textual representation of the tool in which this is contained. (readonly) |
is_installed | boolean | Indicates if this tool is installed somewhere. (readonly) |
installed_placetext | string | A textual representation of where this tool is installed. (readonly) |
number | string | Tool number |
code | string | Tool code |
class | string | Tool class (readonly) |
groupid | number | ID of tool group |
group | string | Tool group (readonly) |
make | string | Tool make |
model | string | Tool model |
serialnumber | string | Tool serial number |
nextservice | date | Date of next service |
lastservice | date | Date of last service |
isdeleted | boolean | Indicate if the tool is deleted |
longitude | float | GPS longitude of the last known position of this tool. |
latitude | float | GPS latitude of the last known position of this tool. |
createdate | date | Date created |
createtime | time | Time created |
changedate | date | Last change date |
changetime | time | Last change time |
qfonsetdown | number | For app: Question form ID on question form to present on set down of this tool. |
attachedcustomerid | number | Customer ID |
customerid | number | The Microbizz ID of the “place of home” |
todoid | number | Todo ID, if multiple then see todoids |
todoids | array | A collection of Todo IDs, the tasks that are currently associated with the equipment |
barcode | string | Tool barcode |
personid | number | ID of a Person |
persontext | string | The name of the contact person |
icons | collection[number] | The IDs of the custom fields of types "icon" or "icon url" that are set |
iconlinks | set | The URLs for custom fields of type "icon url" that are set |
partslist | collection[ 20250915 ] | List of parts in the parts list for the equipment type |
serviceprotocols | collection[number] | The IDs of the service protocols that are available |
stateid | number | The ID of the current state |
statetext | string | The name of the current state |
servicestatus | number | 1=serviced, 2=not serviced, 3=service soon, 4=past service |
picture | string | Image of tool as base64 encoded image data. Please note that only some commands return this field. |
active | boolean | If the tool is active or not. |